2nd IST Austria Summer School in Analysis and PDEs (2022)

The program and abstracts can be found here.
- Felix Otto, Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences
“Partial Differential Equations and Randomness”
- Wilhelm Schlag, Yale University
“On Long-Term Dynamics of Nonlinear Dispersive Evolution PDEs”
- László Székelyhidi, University of Leipzig
“The Onsager Conjecture”
Slides and presentations
Please find the slides of Wilhelm Schlag’s presentation here: part I, part II and part III
Also, see here for Felix Otto’s presentation.
1st IST Austria Summer School in Probability and Mathematical Physics (2018)

The program and abstracts can be found here.
- Hugo Duminil Copin, IHÉS & Université de Genève
“Sharp threshold phenomena via randomized algorithms“
- Martin Hairer, Imperial College London
“A BPHZ theorem for stochastic PDEs“
- Jason Miller, University of Cambridge
“The Gaussian free field and Liouville quantum gravity”